Raw Material Sourcing
Target: 60% Organic Certified of total Mussels intake.
We have a long term relationship with our fishermen.
We continue to researching alternative recycling packaging that we can use in our production process.

We produce product being as efficient as possible reducing our water/gas and electricity usage.

Target: Achieve 2% reduction in fresh water usage m3/tonne year on year

Target: 1% reduction
year on year

Target: 1% reduction
year on year

Target: 7.5% reduction year on year
Social Sustainability
• Shore clean-ups to safeguard the marine environment
• Sponsor healthy living in our community
• Sponsor local health-related charities
• Sponsor our local school
Social sustainability is about our community.

Healthy Eating & Nutrition
• Healthy Eating /Nutritional info on 100% of our products
• Website to include nutritional information on products
• Low fat recipes on website
Health and nutrition is about ensuring our customer know how good our product is. We care about our customers health and the benefits they get from eating seafood. We are part of the Origin Green programme.